4 Ways to Promote Your Online Community – Ep 65

Here are some of the best ways to promote your online community. You have a lot to offer them, but you can’t make the impact you want to make unless you grow your community.

In this episode, we shared the best ways we have found to grow your online community.

1. Smart sharing on your social media channels

  • In Episode 46, we interviewed Tim Fargo from Social Jukebox and we talked about evergreen sharing. Having evergreen content on social media really works and Social Jukebox does an amazing job.
  • Start using livestream on your social media platforms to deliver valuable content. It’s a great way to get your content in front of people.
  • Change your profile link (especially in Instagram) for whatever you’re promoting or launching.

2. Create bonus content

  • This gives people a taste of what you’re offering and also helps to grow your email list.
  • Email and chatbots can be helpful in delivering content to people who are interested in it. We have an episode about how to use Chatbots effectively from the founder of ManyChat.

3. Nurture the people already on your email list

  • Todd Giannattasio from The Growth Suite was on Episode 55 talking about building a funnel to grow your community. There’s a lot to learn from him in how grow and nurture your email list.
  • Bundle your content thematically and share them in your drip email sequences to warm up your list and add value.

4. Use testimonials to show value

  • Social proof is incredibly important because people want to see how you got results that they relate to.
  • We talked about this in Episode 48. We went in depth about how to get and use testimonials.
  • Create a Twitter Moment “buzz from others” when other people say something good about you. This is a great way to showcase testimonials and also let the other person know you find their feedback as valuable.
  • There’s nothing better than people saying nice things about you or your services. Madalyn’s process is to ask to use someone’s comment as a testimonial.
  • Screenshots are a smart way to establish social proof in your community. Just be sure to get permission from the testimonial author.

Full Series to Scale and Grow Your Online Community

Tools, apps and links mentioned:

Take Action

If you have a community, how are you currently promoting to them? What promotions have caught your attention from communities you have joined? Head over to our Facebook group (Secret Word is “Action”) to share at or on Twitter or Instagram using our hashtag, #CTCPodcast.

How to reach Kami:

If you’d like to learn more about Kami Huyse, visit her website at www.zoeticamedia.com. You can contact her by email at kami@zoeticamedia.com or tweet to @kamichat.

How to reach Madalyn:

If you’d like to learn more about Madalyn Sklar, visit her website at www.madalynsklar.com. You can contact her by email at madalyn@madalynsklar.com or tweet to @MadalynSklar.

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We have a new community on Facebook. We will extend the conversation from each episode and deliver bonus content. Sign up for our email list at http://bit.ly/CTCVIP to get an invitation to join or just click the “Join Our Free Community” below to head straight to Facebook (shhh. The codeword is ACTION)!

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