Leveraging Community to Build Income Streams with Dorie Clark – Ep 13

In this episode, we have a special guest, Dorie Clark.

Dorie is a marketing strategy consultant and professional speaker who has worked with high profile clients. She’s a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review and many other great publications. She’s the author of a brand-new book called “Entrepreneurial You.” And she’s also written two other widely popular books, “Reinventing You” and “Stand Out.”

We invited Dorie to come on the podcast to talk about how she leverages her community to build income streams. So here is our interview with Dorie Clark.

Building Income Stream Episode Highlights:

  • Dorie discusses that she started to realize just how important community building was during the research for her book, Standout, which is about how to become a recognized expert in your field. She realized that for the wide range of experts she interviewed about building a following around your ideas, a three-step process emerged– build your network, build your audience and build your community.
  • Building your network consists of forming a small tight-knit group of people around you who can help advise you, steer you and discuss your ideas.
  • Building your audience requires you to start creating content, giving speeches, writing blog posts or doing a podcast to spread your ideas and gain circulation in the marketplace.
  • Building your community starts to happen when your ideas gain momentum and other people start talking about and spreading ideas.
  • Email is an important marketing resource and powerful tool you own compared to social platforms like Twitter. You can download the free 42-page Standout Self-Assessment to help in create a good lead magnet and build a following around your ideas.
  • Dorie discusses how she builds her own community by working with other influencers and communities. Your first broad launch should be a small pilot to your own email list and audience. After you’ve proven the process you can approach partners and ask for a joint venture promotion.Joint ventures involve recruiting partners that agree to promote your product or course for a commission.
  • Regarding income streams, how can you create income from an online community and not feel like you are selling too much or taking too much or being too pushy? Dorie talks about the email list building tool she uses (and we use it, too) called using ConvertKit for segmentation and targeting to your community. This way only relevant information and ideas reach potentially interested community members. This system allows her to avoid hitting people with marketing they don’t want.
  • When someone is trying to build their own community from scratch, what can they do to build it? Dorie gives an overview her methodology of how to become a recognized expert in your field. There are three key components: content creation, social proof and your network. Pick one, get momentum and then work to build the rest out. Content creation is of significant importance because no one will ever know you for your ideas if you never share them. Social proof is your credibility and the reason people should listen and trust you. Your network is important because you need people to amplify and share your ideas.


Buy Dorie’s book or download one of her assessments below. Tweet to us, or leave a comment on our Facebook page about what content from Dorie most resonated with you.

Links, Tools and Apps Mentioned:

JVMM Group (Joint Venture Marketing Mastermind) by Dov Gordon


Recognized Expert Evaluation Toolkit

Speak and Spill 

Reinvent You

Stand out

Entrepreneurial You
88 question Entrepreneurial You self-assessment

42 page Standout Self-Assessment


How to reach Kami:

If you’d like to learn more about Kami Huyse, visit her website at www.zoeticamedia.com. You can contact her by email at kami@zoeticamedia.com or tweet to @kamichat.

How to reach Madalyn:

If you’d like to learn more about Madalyn Sklar, visit her website at www.madalynsklar.com. You can contact her by email at madalyn@madalynsklar.com or tweet to @MadalynSklar.


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