How to automate SMART – Ep 22
Actually, it really isn't the real question. The real question is how do I automate without losing my audience?
In this episode, we take an old measurement acronym and adapt it for how to automate SMART. See what we did there?
Automated Episode Highlights:
Set it up.
- Define what you are hoping to gain from the automation and choose tools that help you achieve your goals.
- It’s not a good idea to set up your automation and forget about it.
- Never automate your interaction with people.
- Social Jukebox, Bulkly, RecurPost and CoSchedule are all tools that integrate with most social media platforms to help organize and automate your content.
- Try video as a way to thank people for their engagement and connect with people.
Measure it.
- Your automation tool should include measurement so you can see how it is working.
- Before you start, have a measurement plan in place.
- If you missed it or need a refresher, we discussed measurement in episode 21.
Activate and Automate.
- Part of activating an automation is to watch it closely to see how it performs, which relates to your measurement plan.
- Be on hand to interact with people. Be an active part of the automation and engage with people. Your participation shouldn’t be automated.
Refine it.
- Make changes to what you are doing based on the results you are seeing.
- Look at what is working and what isn’t to refine and further refine your automation.
- Social media platform algorithms are ever-changing and what people see changes with that, so you may have to refine your efforts as a result.
Test it.
- Check new ideas against the old and A/B test for best results.
- Try different types of posts, different times of the day and different platforms to test what works best.
- Never set it and forget it.
Links, Tools and Apps Mentioned:
Take Action
Set up an automation plan and let us know what tools you have decided to use and for what parts of your social outreach. Extra credit for a video!
How to reach Kami:
If you’d like to learn more about Kami Huyse, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @kamichat.
How to reach Madalyn:
If you’d like to learn more about Madalyn Sklar, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @MadalynSklar.
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