7 Types of Content to Rock Your Community – Ep 15
In this episode, we are going to dive into 7 Types of Content that you can use to build a community that keeps coming back for more.This is a part of a mini-series about how to create and deliver content to your community. In the first part of the series, which was episode 14, we discussed four platforms you should consider when deciding where to host your content. Today we are going to dive deeper into the seven types of content you can use to build a community.
7 TYPES of Content to Deliver
Episode Highlights:
1) Webinars
Webinars are an easy, simple way to deliver your content, but are also oversaturated. Madalyn highly recommends delivering this type of content, but suggests you find a way to set yourself apart and stand out. What is your niche? Look at your competitors and study what they do to seek out what you can do differently and seek out any gaps you can fill.
2) Pre-Recorded Video
Videos are a great way to do a how-to with or without slides and upload it to social media. Kami recommends keeping your videos short, from one to five minutes long and use the content to attract people to your community. There are many ways to use pre-recorded video, like taking a snippet of a video and use it social media to drive people to engage in full video access.
3) Mini Classes
Video is becoming the number one way that people are consuming content. Kami discusses a mini class she just finished by Todd Brown and how the content was released in a story-style to be very compelling and kept her engaged. Madalyn has promoted her content, Twitter Secret Sauce, and has since created a mini class called Secret Sauce to Boosting Your Twitter Presence. She uses the mini class as a lead magnet to establish “Know, Like and Trust” and to allow people to see her style of teaching, grow her community, share information and sell other courses.
4) Live Video
Live video is a great way to deliver content. If live videos are delivered consistently at established times, they become a great way for your community to tune in and connect with you.
5) Challenges
A challenge is a good way to engage your community, bring people into the community and revitalize the community. Madalyn discusses her previous experiences taking challenges, specifically Pat Flynn’s email challenge. Challenges are used to encourage you to step outside your boundaries and try something new. It’s an excellent way to deliver content on a topic that you’re an expert in.
6) Pilot/Beta Courses
After discovering what type of content is most desired by your community, pilot courses are a great way to build interest in a final product and also get feedback on the content before the final product is released. Pilot courses can be offered for free or at a reduced rate to help validate the idea.
7) Flagship Courses
A flagship course is composed of the best content you can possibly put out to your community. Madalyn discusses her course, Twitter Smarter Masterclass, and how it’s grown from a pilot course to her flagship course. Your flagship course is what defines what you’re doing online, so start with another type of content delivery to refine your delivery. Then use what you have learned to make your flagship course more in-depth, thorough and full of valuable content.
Links, Tools and Apps Mentioned:
Episode 14, Ideas to Deliver Professional Development in Online Communities
Secret Sauce to Boosting Your Twitter Presence
Tweet to us @madalynsklar and @kamichat or visit our Facebook page, Communities That Convert, to tell us what kind of content you think you will try first. We might even go deep on one or more of these if there is enough interest.
How to reach Kami:
If you’d like to learn more about Kami Huyse, visit her website at www.zoeticamedia.com. You can contact her by email at kami@zoeticamedia.com or tweet to @kamichat.
How to reach Madalyn:
If you’d like to learn more about Madalyn Sklar, visit her website at www.madalynsklar.com. You can contact her by email at madalyn@madalynsklar.com or tweet to @MadalynSklar.