How to Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose Your Content – Ep 24
In this episode we talk about content and how reuse, recycle and repurpose content you've already created into brand new content across social media channels.
Keystone Content is content you’ve spent a lot of time working on and thinking about and delivering through social media, books, blogs, videos, podcasts, presentations, white papers, reports or speeches.
Reusing Content
- Repost your content from your blog onto LinkedIn Pulse (Pro Tip: Be sure to reference where it was first published)
- Repost a video from YouTube directly into Facebook
- Upload a video from YouTube into directly into Facebook
- Embed a YouTube video into a longer form blog post and crosslink
- Embed a Facebook live video in a blog post (Pro Tip: You get credit in Facebook for views that happen on your blog)
- Use clips of audio or videos from longer-form recordings
- Promote all of these things across all social media channels
Recycling Content
- Look for content on your blog or website that has done well and update it (use Google Analytics to find content that performs well)
- If original content has great traffic, leave it in place and let people know it is updated
- Write a new post with updated and link to it from a post that is getting traffic
- If there’s no traffic on an old post, refresh the post and recycle it to use again
Repurpose Content
- Capture shorter quotes from other long-form content
- Make GIFS from a series of photos using GIF Maker
- Use video clips from longer videos and live streams or audio clips from podcasts to use for social media
- Put together a one-page cheat sheet from courses for a great piece of content based on something you’ve already created
- Repurpose content from blog posts, webinars, podcasts or courses and think about how you can use it in other places.
Tools, apps and sites mentioned:
Take Action
Choose one piece of content you’ve already created and reuse, recycle or repurpose it to create new content and share it with us in the Facebook group.
How to reach Kami:
If you’d like to learn more about Kami Huyse, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @kamichat.
How to reach Madalyn:
If you’d like to learn more about Madalyn Sklar, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @MadalynSklar.
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