Showcase Your Members to Grow Your Community – Ep 117

One way to grow your community is to shine the spotlight on them. The concept is a triple win: You win, individual customers win and your community wins.


The best way to get praise from others is to praise them first. Plus, it builds a strong community. In today’s episode, we break down seven examples of how you can adopt this in your business, feature your community and grow your influence.

7 Ways to Turn the Spotlight On Members of Your Community

#1: Case Studies 

You can share case studies about wins from your community that you helped them achieve.

  • Win for you: You get to show your expertise by how you helped your customer or community member.
  • Win for your customer: They get to show their expertise and maybe even gain clients of their own.
  • Win for your whole community: They get to learn how someone else got the result that they want.

#2: Hot Seats

Feature one of your community members and help them with a current problem they’re facing.

  • Win for you: You get to coach multiple people at once using a single person and their problem.
  • Win for your customer: They get one-on-one coaching for a fraction of what it would cost (or free) and they get one pain point solved.
  • Win for your whole community: They see your coaching style first-hand and learn from a peer.

#3: Testimonials

Have your students share in their own words how your product or service helped them succeed in their life or business.

  • Win for you: You get valuable feedback and it helps you to overcome objections in new customers.
  • Win for your customer: They are featured in your materials and their expertise is promoted.
  • Win for your whole community: They get to see ordinary people who are like them that have succeeded, making them feel like they can also succeed.

#4: Social Media Ads

Use testimonials and case studies in your paid ads to get 3rd party credibility.

  • Win for you: You can have real people who have used and liked your products to promote them for you. Be sure to get permission first.
  • Win for your customer: They are featured in paid ads and can be recognized by people that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to reach.
  • Win for your whole community: Your community sees you on social media and feels like they made a good choice.

To get great testimonials and reviews ask your client these two questions: 

  1. How did you feel or what problem did you have before you bought my course/product/etc?
  2. How do you feel or what problem were you able to solve after using my course/product/etc?

#5: Promo on Website and Social Media

Like the ads, you can also feature your community and customers on your social media.

  • Win for you: You can get the real voice of your customer in your materials.
  • Win for your customer: They get recognition from you and your fans.
  • Win for your whole community: They can follow their peers and are reassured that you see and hear your customers.

#6: Live Events

Feature the successes of your community at a live event. 

  • Win for you: When you bring up one of your clients on stage, whether they are there or not, it helps people to know that you are the real deal and can help them too.
  • Win for your customer: They get known by a much wider group of people who might also buy from them in the future.
  • Win for your whole community: As your community grows, current members feel affirmed that they are a part of something bigger than themselves.

#7: Volunteer Team

Enlist the help of a volunteer team in your community, then make sure to call them out from time to time and give them recognition. 

  • Win for you: You get the help you need to run events or get things done in the community.
  • Win for your customer: They get to be seen as an authority in your community.
  • Win for your whole community: They have more support and help when they need it, even when you’re not available.

Tools and Links Mentioned:

Take Action

Pick one of the seven ways we have discussed today and use it to start featuring the stories of people in your community. We want to hear about it, so come share details with us in the Communities That Convert Facebook group

Join Our Community

Come join our community on Facebook where we extend the conversation from each episode and deliver bonus content.

(shhh. The codeword is ACTION)! 

How to reach Kami:

If you’d like to learn more about Kami Huyse, visit her website at www.zoeticamedia.com. You can contact her by email at kami@zoeticamedia.com or tweet to @kamichat.

How to reach Madalyn:

If you’d like to learn more about Madalyn Sklar, visit her website at www.madalynsklar.com. You can contact her by email at madalyn@madalynsklar.com or tweet to @MadalynSklar.

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