How to Make Your Website Your Most Valuable Marketing Asset – Ep 104
Some people say that websites are dead, but we disagree. A website that is a brochure is dead, but one that solves a customer's problem will make it your most valuable asset.
We came up with four steps to make your website your most valuable asset.
Step 1: Build Your Website as a Home Base
Your Website is your owned property, while social media is rented land. Build a base where you can grow over time. This also helps you capture searches on Google so you can be found by potential customers. In the book Story Brand, by Donald Miller, he says you have to have these five things on your website.
- An Offer Above the Fold – what you do and who you do it for, visible to everyone without scrolling at all.
- An Obvious Call to Action – be very clear and distinct about your call to action.
- Images of Success – these should be images of others being successful, not you.
- Unified Message for all income streams – if you do multiple things, be sure to streamline into just one clear message.
- Very few words – people will not read large blocks of content, so keep it short.
Step 2: Build Your Relationships
Go to where your community is hanging out and build content and resources that are designed to solve the problems of your community. Your website should be your hub where all your content is housed and where you drive all your traffic. Repurpose your content for social media to drive more traffic to your website.
Step 3: Build buzz around your brand
Create content that people are asking for by actively listening to them through social media conversations or polls. Then echo what they want by creating targeted content that solves their needs.
Socialize with your community and nurture relationships that will build loyalty. Follow the BEES system for building a BUZZ around your brand.
- BUILD. In a beehive nothing is wasted. Everyone has a role and lives that out. Your website is the home base that aggregates your content and social profiles are your satellite offices.
- EAVESDROP. Listen with a purpose to determine what content resonates in each social media community. This is like the communication that bees instinctively use to build a functioning hive or nest and which can be brought to bear in social situations. Each community has a distinct culture, and to be effective, one has to learn this culture and speak the distinct language of each community.
- ECHO. Once you know what is resonating with the community then companies should provide content that fits, or echos, what the community finds interesting. This is often been pejoratively called the “echo chamber” by some, but this echoing (ie., Retweeting on Twitter, linking on blogs, tagging or sharing in Facebook) is how things are virally shared on social networks. Also, echoing is important on all of your social networks.
- SOCIALIZE. The content must be socialized and not simply broadcasted. Interaction is the key to creating a community. Things like auto Direct Messaging and automatically following on Twitter make it easy to pretend you are engaging, but it doesn’t fool anyone.
Step 4: Measure Your Results
Make sure that you are measuring your results on your website and all of your social media platforms. Check your metrics regularly to see what content is resonating and use that information to repurpose and reshare it. If a piece of content is working, keep using it in different ways, test new methods and measure results.
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Join us in the Communities that Convert Group where Madalyn will share her recent website revamp and learn how you can use some of these things for your own website. Also, share your website so we can look at it and give you some ideas and feedback.
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If you’d like to learn more about Kami Huyse, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @kamichat.
How to reach Madalyn:
If you’d like to learn more about Madalyn Sklar, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @MadalynSklar.
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